WHAT KIND OF SANITARY FITTINGS ARE USED IN BUILDINGS? Following sanitary fittings are used in Building drainage system. 1. Wash Basin: These are plumbing fixtures mainly used for hand washing. 2. Sinks: Sinks are the plumbing fixtures provided in kitchens for cleaning utensils. 3. Bathtubs: A circular waste hole at the bottom of bathtub is provided for drainage purpose. Bath Tub is the plumbing fixtures provided in the bathroom for taking bath. 4. Water Closets: A water closet is a pan like water flushed plumbing fixture designed to remove human excreta directly and dispose of the same into the soil pipe through the trap. 5. Urinals: a bowl or other receptacle, typically attached to a wall in a toilet, into which men may urinate. Water Closet Sink Bath Tub Urinal Wash Basin.
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